
Watch your behavior: these actions will make you much more popular

Watch how you behave: such actions will make you much more popular

There are simple actions that can instantly improve communication and relationships and make you popular in society.

Body language and correct responses in certain uncomfortable moments are can be key for good business and personal relationships. With these actions, they could make your everyday relationships much better. They may also make you much more popular!

1. If you want them to love you, remember their names. People feel special when someone calls them by name.
2. If someone raises their voice, stay calm. By doing this, you will leave the anger to the interlocutor and at the same time calm the fire. You will also avoid regretting your reaction later.
3. Sit closer to your opponent to avoid being attacked. As strange as it may sound, the closer you are, the more uncomfortable he will be. With this, his anger will also be less than it would be otherwise.
4. When you are angry, write down your thoughts before you speak them. This will put the burden on paper, calm down and sort out what's going on in your brain before confronting the one who pissed you off.

When you meet someone, try to remember their eye color.
When you meet someone, try to remember their eye color.

5. If you got an unsatisfactory answer from someone, don't repeat the question. Look him in the eye. The interlocutor will be under pressure and will gather his thoughts thoroughly before answering again.
6. You'll perform better on both dates and at work if you allow yourself to take up more space. This will boost your confidence.
7. Before shaking hands, warm your hands. Warm hands make the other person feel that the contact is friendly.
8. When you meet someone, try to remember their eye color. This has been proven to establish the best eye contact and evoke a sense of comfort in the other.

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