
Recipe: finger-licking Nutella pastries that do not need to be baked

Here's a simple, no-bake Nutella cake recipe that isn't demanding in terms of preparation or ingredients.

It's in front of you a recipe for pastries with Nutella without baking, which is so good you'll lick all your fingers!

Delicious pastries with Nutella without baking
Delicious pastries with Nutella without baking

Ingredients for Nutella cakes without baking:

  • 250 g of mascarpone cheese
  • 3 tablespoons of Nutella
  • 1 package of butter biscuits or Albert biscuits
  • a cup of black coffee
  • coffee liqueur (optional)
  • chopped hazelnuts

Preparation of pastries with Nutella without baking:

In a bowl, mix the mascarpone cheese and 3 tablespoons of Nutella well to get a cream. Take a package of Albert biscuits and spread the cream on one side of the biscuit and cover it with the other biscuit. Let's make 10 to 12 pairs or sandwiches of biscuits with cream. Pour coffee into a bowl and add coffee liqueur if desired. Mix well. Take a sandwich and dip it into the coffee mixture on both sides. Spread cream on it and place it next to another sandwich, also soaked in coffee. Let's assemble the cake. When finished, take the spatula and spread the remaining cream all over the cake to get a nice firm rectangle. Sprinkle with hazelnuts. Place in the freezer for an hour. Cut the cake into diagonal slices. Have a good run!

You can watch the preparation of Nutella pastries without baking in the attached video.

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