
Recipe: vanilla pudding with Nutella

Recipe - vanilla pudding with Nutella

Are your taste buds craving Nutella? Nutella can be used in a thousand and one ways in the kitchen. This time we will use it as an ingredient for a delicious vanilla pudding.

Vanilla pudding with Nutella is a simple dessert that will delight all sweet lovers.

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Use Nutella as an ingredient for a delicious pudding.
Use Nutella as an ingredient for a delicious pudding.

He is preparing the pudding quick and simple, so anyone can do it without a prescription.

Recipe - pudding with Nutella:

Ingredients - pudding with Nutella:

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 1 bag of vanilla pudding powder
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of Nutella

The process of making pudding with Nutella:
First, boil the milk. In the meantime, mix the powder, sugar and seven tablespoons of cold milk in a bowl. When the milk boils, gradually pour the mixture into it. We wait for it to boil again and the mass thickens. Let's put it aside. While cooling, stir the pudding well every five minutes to prevent lumps from forming. Put Nutella in a cup and pour the pudding over it. If desired, serve with sweet cream. And happy sweetening!

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