
Dare to check: 10+ questions that tell you if you're a psychopath

It's not a question of whether you are a psychopath, the question is how much! While Hollywood paints us portraits of typical psychopaths as serial killers, psychopaths can be very different - in fact, many of them are successful businessmen and we believe you know them too. The question that arises is: how many psychopaths are there in you?

Being a psychopath in this modern world, it can even be a tremendous advantage and definitely go for this personality profile qualifies 1% of the population, among which there are often very successful entrepreneurs who are supposed to represent honey 3 % and 22 % of the total psychopath population. But there are more than extremely successful who are on the edge of society. According to a study by Behavioral Sciences & Law, as many as 15 percent of all prisoners in the United States are perceived as psychopaths.

Such and different psychopaths ...
Such and different psychopaths...

That's why it exists an extraordinary probability, that you have met the psychopath several times, but you didn't recognize him. Whether you're dealing with a successful salesperson or a ruthless CEO, here are the top questions you'll use to recognize you're dealing with a psychopath, and the latter may just be the ones that tell the truth about you, too.

If you answer the following questions overwhelmingly answered yes, you might have these kinds of tendencies! In the following, we also offer you some e-questionnaires with which you can partially self-diagnose.

Control questions:

1. Do you have superficial charm and charisma?
2. Do you have a good or great self-esteem?
3. Are you easily bored and constantly looking for new stimulation?
4. Are you a pathological liar?
5. Are you cunning or manipulative?
6. Do you feel no remorse or guilt?
7. Do many people think you are shallow?
8. You have no compassion?
9. Do you have difficulty controlling your behavior?
10. Do you prefer to take rather than give?
11. Do you have a history of promiscuous behavior and unusual sexual fantasies?
12. Have you had many partnerships?
13. Do you have no long-term plans and goals?

These are just some control questions – if you have doubts about your personality, you can get more thorough answers through these two questionnaires!

If you are still not sure if you are a psychopath, you can also check it based on the work you do!

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