
Toxic and poor: 5 things only ENVIOUS and uncultured women do

Toxic and godly: 5 things only ENVIOUS and uncultured women do

"A woman is a female wolf". We've proven countless times that we'd rather let our jealous minds rule us than let go of some primitive behavior patterns, support each other and prove that every woman has power, and together we have an incredible impact that changes the world.

Each individual has power, but together we have influence. But what if we are traditionally taught that we have to fight for a place in society in the way that other women present to us competition. Not only that, we also judge everyone. We judge. We condemn. We evaluate how things work. And somehow it seems that all these primitive things came naturally to us without even wanting to be that way.

In order to learn how to support each other, we must first find inner peace. to find out who we are. Why we love each other. What are ours like goals. We must become grateful. Positive ones. We all have unrealized dreams, we just have to find a way HOW to realize them, because that's the only way we'll be satisfied with ourselves and we'll realize that every woman in this world fight for yourself, he has his own wishes, hopes, concerns, fears..., which I understand the most WOMEN!

5 things that only envious and uncultured women do.
5 things that only envious and uncultured women do.

5 things that only envious and uncultured women do:

You give women ugly nicknames

If you slander another woman with ugly nicknames associated with the female gender, you are sending a message to society that it is completely justified, normal and acceptable to refer to a woman in such a way. You are not the one who should deal with the question of how many partners a certain woman has had, how she has progressed at work, why she is cheating on her partner...

You comment on her appearance

To be honest, commenting on other women's looks is our favorite sport - because whether we realize it or not, it boosts our own self-esteem and ego. The problem is that we women judge people who view a woman's body as a sexual object or a "piece of meat", but we ourselves do the same thing.

Spread rumours

There is a difference between commenting in a small circle of close people and connecting with complete strangers at the expense of spreading rumors about another woman. The fact is that in this way you only talk about yourself, not about others.

Don't spread rumours, because that's how you talk about yourself, not about others!
Don't spread rumours, because that's how you talk about yourself, not about others!

You compete and you play

Another woman's success can be a great motivation and example for you to follow in achieving your own goals. But on the other hand, it can also be a source of frustration and an excuse for your passivity. The world is not so small that ONLY ONE woman can succeed in it. If the other woman bothers you, she's not nice to you, and you don't have things in common, it's better to cut off contact than to be a hypocrite and hang out with her.

You talk negatively about another woman's partner

You are not here to comment on what another woman's partner is like. You're not even here to wonder why a certain woman is putting up with it. You have no right to judge other women's choices, as you will never know the details of a particular partnership to be able to legitimately speak. Silence is golden!

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