You probably remember the belief that entered our society years ago that people with tattoos can't get a job. Many with tattoos have tried to prove that this is not true, but they have failed. With this research, scientists may finally put to rest the myth that tattoos make people unemployable.
The first thing we hear out of the mouth (traditional) parents, when we go to tattooing, is a concern that due to we won't find a job with a tattoo. This advice is likely benevolent, but if we consider new study links tattoos to employment and wage discrimination, it is obvious that it is the belief of unemployability due to body painting is complete nonsense.
When analyzing connections between art on the body and work scientists have found that tattoos do not reduce employability, in some cases they actually are people with tattoos more employable.
V 50 US states they are 2,064 people asked about their lifestyle, income, employment status and tattoos. Half of the respondents came from countryside, and half from cities. Among the participants is 23 percent of men and 37 percent of women have a tattoo. But they said that their painting did not have and still does not have one links to employment discrimination or lower pay.
The authors of the study began collecting data in the summer of 2016. During this time, they found that the perception of tattoos in the workplace has changed so much, yes even very much a visible tattoo is not associated with employment or wage discrimination.
The cultural stigmatization of artistic freedom is decreased, as in recent years increased the number of young people with tattoos, namely it should have 40 percent of young adults at least one a tattoo. Researchers say tattoos have become markers of individual expression and creativity, and companies are following suit relaxed policies prohibiting the display of tattoos in the workplace.
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