
This is the horrible truth about your tea towels

The horrible truth about tea towels.

A kitchen towel can be found in almost every home, but probably few people know how insidious this tool is.

Kitchen cloth was still useful to help with kitchen chores, but as it is proved in one study, this widget is the right one "serial killer".

Scientists with University of Mauritius they tested 100 tea towels, which were in use for a month, but they found that the one third of the analyzed rags was present E. coli bacteria, especially in those homes, where the meat is prepared.

Bacteria were present on half of the tea towels.
Bacteria were present on half of the tea towels.

After the analysis, they found that they were present on half of the tea towels bacteria: from the polluted group they are on 36.7 % cloths contained coliform bacteria (this is the group that includes E. coli).

Researchers advise that you should your wash or change kitchen towels, gloves and sponges regularly, in order to prevent cross contamination.

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