
This is the celestial sign with the strongest intuition: what they see, few notice

Which sign can read you like an open book?

This sign of you immediately read, and it does it so fast that you don't have time to realize it. Otherwise, he has a very fair sign very strong intuition. So you can always rely on your own sixth Sense. Their intuition is very accurate and trustworthy. Nor is their perspective clouded by their own opinions. In other words: they know the difference between what they want to believe and what is actually the truth. Their intuition helps them, yes they navigate between conflicts and maneuver through social situations like a champ.

This sign reads you like an open book.
This sign reads you like an open book.

They are representatives of this sign sensible, gentle, loving and very sociable. They like to talk and feel like "fish in water" in company (no, they are not fish 🙂 ). They have a distinctly sharp sense of justice, which they always stick to.

They are very insightful - a liar will be recognized from a kilometer away. They are often prone to perfectionism, so they are always willing to spend extra time just to make sure it is everything they do, fair.

If you get advice from SCALES, rest assured that this is the best advice you could get!

No, intuition is not twisted from the vine, science says it is!

When we say that some inner voice tells us that something is good or bad, we cannot even imagine, what exactly is this inner voiceScience proves that the latter should actually existed - this feeling is said to be the result of the brain storing, processing and receiving information without our conscious mind even perceived. This intuition is based on past experiences and external signs, which is why we react so violently and quickly to certain situation.

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