
This won't let you sleep: 17 facts about the human psyche that will scare you

The human mind is sometimes simply terrifying because of its complexity. And these facts about the human psyche will not let you sleep!

We still don't know much about the human mind. Even those facts that scientists have already managed to prove are sometimes honestly "strange", and maybe we should even had to care. In the following, we will share with you 17 interesting facts about our psyche, which will not let you sleep.

17 facts about the human psyche that will scare you

1. When we see others humiliated, we feel ourselves more confident.
2.They attract us psychopaths and narcissists.
3. I'd rather felt pain than boredom.
4. Our brains do they subconsciously decide as soon as we have to decide - even if at that moment we do not consciously know what we will choose or how we will decide.
5. The feeling of butterflies in the stomach that we feel when we fall in love is actually stress response.

The feeling of butterflies in the stomach that we feel when we fall in love is actually a stress response.
The feeling of butterflies in the stomach that we feel when we fall in love is actually a stress response.

6. Most people think they are better to average.
7. A broken heart in our body also causes real physical pain.
8. The qualities we hate in other people are usually our traits too.
9. By nature we copy each other, to be accepted.
10. Minorities and vulnerable groups of people we see as subhuman.

We see minorities and vulnerable groups of people as subhuman.
We see minorities and vulnerable groups of people as subhuman.

11. iPhone users have it for "something more".
12. Less intelligent people are more confident from those who are more intelligent than average.
13. We are less likely to help others when we are part of a group.
14. People in leadership positions have several traits of psychopaths.
15.Those who are night birds have more likely to become psychopaths.

Those who are night owls are more likely to become psychopaths.
Those who are night owls are more likely to become psychopaths.

16. We believe that if we are more successful than others, that we will also be happier - a the effect is said to be just the opposite.
17.when we are angry we are more honest.

Psychological test: who is sitting in front of you?

These 9 questions are written by renowned psychologists, and with them you reveal who the person sitting in front of you really is.

  1. Attitude towards life: would you open the envelope if it contained a sheet with your date of death?
  2. Self-confidence, strengths and weaknesses: would you be friends with yourself?
  3. Personal values: if you could see a special scale above people's heads, what would you want it to show (eg their social status, level of happiness, wealth...)?
  4. Self-confidence, sense of humor and character traits: what do you do differently than other people?
  5. Moral standards and attitude towards other people: if your partner never found out you cheated on them, would you tell them yourself?
  6. Lifestyle and Importance of Life: have you ever felt like the same day repeats itself countless times?
  7. Stereotyping and logical thinking: what would happen if men and women lived on 2 different planets?
  8. Moral standards and attitude towards the family: If you committed a crime to feed your child, would you feel like a bad person or have no qualms about your action?
  9. Goals and dreams: what job would you do if happiness was money

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