
Do you know how to eat a burger properly?

How to properly eat a burger?

Do you know how to eat a burger properly? Is it also happening to you that the side dish is leaking from your burger? Then you are definitely eating the wrong burger! Learn how to eat a burger properly once and for all!

How to properly eat a burger? Do you also find side dishes and other accessories escaping from the embrace of the bread bomb? Learn how to eat a burger the right way! Although you did have been eating wrong all their lives, but it's not too late to win the right technique.

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Learn how to eat a burger properly once and for all!
Learn how to eat a burger properly once and for all!

So how to eat a burger properly? First you have to turn the burger upside down, so that the oval part is at the bottom and the flat part is at the top. This has at least two advantages. You eat the burger more evenly, which means that in the end you are not only left with bread, but also they don't force the ingredients out that much. A case of scientifically proven technique, which has another key part that leads to a less cheesy "reckoning" with the burger. Most of us enjoy a burger like that the lower part is held only with the thumbs, and the remaining fingers are on top. Well, we don't squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube! No wonder the ingredients keep running out. But if we move to the lower side little finger and hold the upper part with the middle fingers as before, let's establish a balance and keep many more extras in the burger. You can see that it works in the video below.

Do you know how to eat a burger properly?

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