
Why is it so hard to say "I love you"?

Why is it so hard to say "I love you"?

I love you is the title of more than 40 songs in the English language, 15 music albums and 13 films. In culture, it's a phrase that comes up all the time. How many times do we encounter it in our everyday life? Sometimes we have a hard time with our language. Why is it so hard to say "I love you"?

Some psychologists and sociologists believe that the fear of saying "I love you" mainly expresses time, in which we live - especially a radical change in the rules in the world of dating, love and partnership. A few decades ago, the rules in love were relatively clear, but today the love scene is ruled by great ambiguity, which may be part of the liberation of women and anyone who is not comfortable with monogamy.

Why do we find it increasingly difficult to say these words?
Why do we find it increasingly difficult to say these words?

On the other hand, ambiguity in love may be mechanism, which protects many people from pain – if we never make a commitment and never let go, in other words, we are always somewhere else (safe) with one foot, then we more severely affected.

But we also find it difficult to commit because we feel that we have an endless sea of choices. We are so afraid that we will not choose the best possible partner. Whatever we choose means that everything we didn't choose we potentially lose. Nowadays, many people find it difficult to say "I love you" because it's easy he is waiting for the best possible person, which with so much choice in our minds is often the one we don't have.

Sometimes we fear being hurt.
Sometimes we fear being hurt.

And how do you feel when you think about it, to say "I love you" to your better half?

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