
Ask a loved one this question: words that will connect you very, very much

Ask a loved one this question: words that will connect you very, very much

Ask this question to your loved one today... because in this way you will strengthen your love. And that's what really counts in a true relationship!

Open and honest communication can help connect two feeling souls confidence, reciprocally understanding and compassion. And even if the rule in our society is that public display of emotions is evil, it is right that you allow yourself to be vulnerable – be empathetic, listen and speak up because that's the only way you will learn more about your partner's personality, their values and visions. This is also an opportunity to get to know yourself!

Learn to be a support to the one who which you love most in this world. When you find yourself in a situation where you need to lift the mood of a loved one, it is the power of communication is undeniable. And of course the right words! Try to bring the positive things into your relationship, and the bad things that you can't influence forgotten.

Ask a loved one this question…
Ask a loved one this question…

Ask the right question at the right time... because it can improve your relationship and understanding of what deep, emotional and true love is.
You can achieve this by asking your partner the following thing: “What is the best thing that happened to you today?”
This question may seem like it has no added value, but in fact it opens the door a place for positive things and connecting. TRY IT!

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