
Living With No Regrets: 30 Things You Must Do Before You Turn 30

Living With No Regrets: 30 Things You Must Do Before You Turn 30

There's only one life, so it's good to start living for yourself and for yourself - these are 30 things you need to do before you turn 30.

Remember your 18th birthday when you thought about coming of age opens up countless new possibilities for you ... you will finally be able to do the things you have always wanted to do, but the status of a minor did not allow you. And the years go by like crazy, obligations pile up, other, more serious things take priority... and your wishes slowly sink into oblivion. You really want to, that such a scenario becomes a reality?

Don't let responsibilities, adult life and society affect you to the point that you forget OURSELVES.

30 things you must do before you turn 30:

30. Confess your feelings to someone without hesitation.
29. Find a hobby that makes you happy.
28. Sign up for an activity you've been wanting to attend for a while.
27. Do something extreme that is out of your comfort zone.
26. Travel with friends.
25. Travel alone to a place you've always wanted to visit.
24. Save money to build a home.
23. Spend money wisely on (at least one) quality and expensive item.
22. Apologize.
21. Sing at karaoke.

Dedicate time to YOURSELF.
Dedicate time to YOURSELF.

20. Learn to forgive people.
19. Throw the best party for your birthday.
18. Get drunk at a party that will stay in your memory forever.
17. Work on your love relationship.
16. Be the first to say "I love you".
15. Try something you're bad at.
14. Visit a concert of your favorite band or soloist.
13. Talk long into the night with the person you care about.
12. Ignore the advice of others when you believe in your beliefs.
11. Admit that you don't feel well (when you're not well).

Take care of your health.
Take care of your health.

10. Dedicate time to YOURSELF.
9. Delete your social media accounts for a while.
8. Conquer your biggest fear.
7. Do at least one good thing for other people every day.
6. Be financially independent.
5. 100 % is fully released at least once in its life.
4. Give up a bad habit that harms you.
3. Take care of your health.
2. Get to know yourself.
1. Live life for yourself and for yourself!

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