

The Clariart Clarinet Quintet chamber ensemble was founded four years ago. It consists of students and graduates of the University of Music and Visual Arts in Graz and the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. The members of the quintet are Jure Rogina, Evgen Celcer, Kaja Smogavec, Lovro Turin and Tomaž Močilnik. The repertoire is...

Important information
Vetrinjski dvorec, Vetrinjski dvorec, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 euros.

The Clariart Clarinet Quintet chamber ensemble was founded four years ago. It consists of students and graduates of the University of Music and Visual Arts in Graz and the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. The members of the quintet are Jure Rogina, Evgen Celcer, Kaja Smogavec, Lovro Turin and Tomaž Močilnik. The repertoire is extensive and varied, as they perform original compositions for clarinet quartet and modern music of the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as arrangements of classical, jazz and Jewish music.

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