
The classic balloon takes our styling a notch higher

We can slowly forget about the harsh winter weather and exchange our unattractive down jacket for a sophisticated balloon in which we will enjoy an afternoon drink with our friends like true English ladies. In combination with black (over)large glasses, our styling will reach perfection.

English women are known for wearing skirts and sandals without socks even in harsh weather conditions, and a sophisticated trench coat serves as their warmest in winter coat. Finally, the time has come when we too can enjoy the afternoon sun and sip tea, dressed in a beautiful transitional balloon, which instantly takes our styling up a notch. 

Balloonist respectively trench coat it represents an excellent investment, as it can be bought only once and then worn for years and years. Although every year fashion designers play with the iconic shape of a fashion piece that reminds us of Audrey Hepburn, the new models, in major and minor changes, still touch on feminine classics. In the gallery, let's see which "posh" fashion pieces from the "high street" offer we can choose this moment.

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