
Classic – Little Red Riding Hood in a slightly different version

The performance of Red Riding Hood, which will be shown this weekend in Maribor's Puppet Theater, bets on the breadth of the imagination of its viewers.

Important information
Puppet Theater Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 euros

Little Red Riding Hood, the fairy tale classic by the Brothers Grimm, has seen a thousand and one versions, both in books and on the stage. The puppet version in the adaptation by Svetlana Makarovič, which can be seen this weekend at the Maribor Puppet Theater, is not interested in new narrative derivatives, but simply reenacts its basic story and tried to capture it in a playful dialogue between puppet and drama theater. The focus is on fairy tales in all dimensions.

As they wrote, it is just such a performance, as if we were playing it or telling it before going to sleep.
As they wrote, it is just such a performance, as if we were playing it or telling it before going to sleep.

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