
Clean and refresh your mattress in 9 easy steps to make it like new

Photo: envato

Keeping your home clean often involves regular cleaning of visible surfaces such as floors, windows and furniture. However, one of the often overlooked surfaces is the mattress, on which we spend almost a third of our lives. Regular cleaning of the mattress is not only a matter of hygiene, but can have a significant impact on the quality of sleep and overall health.

Mattress cleaninge is an important part of maintaining a healthy and clean home. With regular cleaning and maintenance, you can extend the lifespan, improve the quality of your sleep and reduce the risk of developing allergies and respiratory problems.

Photo: Liliana/Pexels

Why is mattress cleaning important?

The mattress is ideal a breeding ground for mites, bacteria, mold, fungi and other allergensno, which can accumulate over the years. These invisible problems can lead to allergies, asthma and other health problems, as well as affecting sleep quality. Regular cleaning of the mattress helps remove these impurities and provides a healthier sleeping environment.

How to clean a mattress?

1. Suction

Begin by thoroughly vacuuming the entire surface using the attachment with a soft brush, to remove dust and any particles. It is important not to forget the seams and edges, where dust often collects.

2. Stain removal

Stains from sweat, urine or other liquids are best removed with a suitable cleaning solution. You can use a mixture of water and mild detergent or special products for removing stains from fabrics. Apply the solution directly to the stain and gently blot with a soft, clean cloth.

3. Deodorizing the mattress

To remove odors, sprinkle the mattress with baking soda and leave it on for a few hours. Then vacuum thoroughly. Baking soda not only neutralizes unpleasant odors, but it can also help make cleaning stains easier.

Photo: Kaderd/Pexels

4. Deep cleaning with steam

If it is very dirty or has strong odors, a deep steam cleaning may be necessary. Steam cleaners can penetrate deep into the fabric and remove stubborn stains and allergens.

5. Treatment of the mattress with a protective reception

After cleaning, you can treat the mattress with protective spraym, which will help repel dust, allergens and liquids, thus keeping the mattress clean.

6. Rotating and turning the mattress

Turn or rotate it every three to six months. This helps distribute wear and tear evenly and extend the life of the mattress.

7. Using a steam brush for stains

You can use a steam brush to clean stains locally. The heat and moisture help break down the stain and make it easier to remove.

8. Use of protective coverings

Use protective liners to further protect your mattress from stains and wear. These liners are usually waterproof and machine washable.

9. Using natural cleaners for refreshment

You can use essential oil sprays such as lavender, eucalyptus or tea tree to freshen up your mattress. These natural agents not only refresh the mattress, but can also act as an antibacterial agent.

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