Such men stand up for what they believe in. They are open, vulnerable and respect women. They do not hide behind a mask of kindness, they say what they think, even if it is sometimes painful. Do you like this kind of man too?
There are several reasons why women like straight men. One of the main ones is that they don't play around, so women know what they are doing.
Let's take a look at some of the qualities of straight men that make women fall for them.
It's much easier without games
Women can relax and be who they are. Direct men show that confidence that makes women feel relieved. They experienced enough insecurity from emotionally unavailable and passive or passive-aggressive men with whom honest communication was not possible.
Relationships are exhausting when they constantly have to guess how someone feels and be careful not to show their true feelings. Direct men don't cause anxiety, they don't make women feel like they're wondering, second-guessing, or worried about the relationship.
Dating isn't stressful and complicated
If men are direct, a woman will quickly relax in their company. A date should be fun, not stressful. Directness makes for a pleasant walk, as opposed to running over obstacles caused by ambiguous men.
The straight man is present and involved. He shows interest, is honest and doesn't hide behind a mask. Women don't want to feel anxious because a man's actions and words contradict each other. They want someone who knows what they want and who can simply say it and show it.
Direct men exude confidence
Confidence is seductive. Directness and immediacy indicate that the person is satisfied with himself, that he is ready to take the initiative, that he is open and trustworthy. We are talking about the simple ability of a person to follow what he wants. A woman likes a man who plans, makes suggestions and shows interest in her.
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
A direct man doesn't waste time
A direct man does not delay, if he is no longer interested in a woman, he announces it and does not try to keep her as a reserve. If he just wants sex, he tells her so. A woman can decide whether she is comfortable with this or not - it makes it clear to her that he will not build emotional bonds with her.
A straightforward man doesn't confuse her, he tells her what bothers him and what he likes, what he can accept and what he can't. This gives the woman the freedom to express her opinion and opens up possibilities for compromises. When the game is fair, no one is more likely to get hurt.
Women feel good next to a straightforward man
A direct and honest man does not cause stress and anxiety. Women usually have too many bad experiences with feelings of insecurity because they don't get feedback, with unclear messages that cause her anxiety.
When things are clear, they are simple, and simplicity allows for relaxation. With a straightforward man, a woman knows what she's up to. If she doesn't understand something, she can ask him, knowing she'll get an honest answer.
A straightforward man has a strong character
Such a man speaks his mind. It does what it says it will do. A woman can rely on him, she can trust him, because he is honest in his intentions and it is clear what motivates him in a relationship.
A strong character is needed to express feelings clearly. Women want emotionally intelligent partners who can tell them what they feel, what scares them and what drives them forward. Communication between them is two-way and open.
This is a man every woman should want and have.