
Climate change: 8 reasons why we still have hope for a better environment

Photo: envato

Climate change will show its teeth even more sharply in the coming decades, and the thought of this, as well as the lack of interest of world leaders in solving it, scares many people. Me already. However, not everything is as black as it seems at first glance. Check out why it's worth keeping some hope for a greener future!

We present to you 8 trends, thanks to which we can maintain some optimism in connection with the future of our planet.

1. More and more people are aware of the impact of climate change

Research has shown that every year more people on this planet are concerned about climate change. These are more and more pronounced, and access to information is also an important factor in increasing awareness. If we look on the other side of the Atlantic, where, to the horror of environmentalists, even the former president denied climate change, today as many as 59 percent of Americans consider global warming to be one of the most important issues. Four years ago, there were as many as 10 percent fewer.

2. There is more and more education on the topic of climate change

Due to access to information, as well as increasing awareness, more and more people are aware of the relationship between environmentalism and social justice. We are increasingly aware that climate change has the most devastating effect on the inhabitants of the third world. At the same time, more and more countries are aware of the importance of individual indigenous groups and their presence, so last year Australia returned a large part of their land to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji tribe, and in California they returned part of the forest to the Esselen flame.

Photo: Unsplash/Naja Bertolt Jensen

3. There are more and more investments in a greener future

Due to increasing public pressure, more and more institutions are investing their assets in more environmentally friendly industrial practices and holding companies. Harvard University thus made the decision to withdraw all assets from the oil industry, followed by the University of Oxford, the Ford Foundation and many others.

4. Consumers recognize their power

Humans have realized that we can direct the future of the planet with our money. That's why we use environmentally friendly products more and more often. According to some research data, as many as 67 percent of consumers consider how friendly to the planet the chosen product is and how ethical it is when purchasing.

5. Climate change as the most important value

In the developed world, climate change is the main topic of political battles and election promises. In Germany, voters thus placed climate change far ahead of the new coronavirus pandemic and migration, and voted for candidates who, in their opinion, presented the best environmental practices for the future.

Photo: Unsplash/Hello Im Nik

6. Growing awareness of plastic pollution

More and more countries are phasing out the use of single-use plastic products. From straws, utensils and bags, in some cases it even went so far that you could find bananas wrapped in plastic wrap on store shelves. If only nature knew how to protect the edible part of the banana with a peel. Sigh.

7. Renewable energy sources

Windmills and solar panels have never been as affordable as they are today. More and more energy in the world is produced from renewable energy sources, which is a good incentive for the future.

8. Young people are most aware of the consequences of climate change

They say that the world depends on young people. And in this case, it really is. Younger generations are most aware of the bad practices that accelerate climate change and are not afraid to speak out about it. There are more and more protests by young people who want to warn the older generation that without significant green changes, the future will not be anything rosy.

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