When do we move the clock to winter time? The second clock change in 2017 will take place on the last Sunday of October, namely on October 29 at 3:00 a.m., when the hands of the clocks will be moved back one hour, i.e. to 2:00 a.m.
Rejoice, soon you will sleep an hour more. The second clock shift in 2017 (to winter time) will be held on Sunday October 29, when we are in the morning at 3:00 a.m moved the hands of the clock to 2:00 and thus obtained an extra hour of sleep.
On summer time we will jump again on the last Sunday in March, that will be March 25, 2018, when at 2:00 in the morning we will move the hands to 3:00 and thus sleep an hour less.
See how John Oliver, comedian and show host, made fun of changing the clock Last Week Tonight.