When do we move the clock to 2023? As every year, next year too we will mark the clock change twice: first we will be able to notice the change to summer time, which will be followed by the change to winter time about half a year later. We asked when we move the clock in 2023.
When let's move the clock to 2023? In the coming year, the clock will move to summer time falls on the last Sunday in March, i.e. on the date March 26, 2023. The hands will move at night: when the clock strikes 2:00 in the morning, we will move it to 3:00 in the morning.
Move the clock to winter time will happen about 7 months later on the date October 29, 2023. Then the clock will be moved again at night from 3:00 in the morning on 2:00 in the morning.
When do we move the clock to 2023?
26 March 2023 and 29 October 2023
Why is the clock moving?
Why they actually introduced clock change to daylight saving time and winter time? Shifting the clock is said to cause better match between working light and working day– instead of in the dark, we go to work in the winter at sunrise or in the morning light. An extra hour of daylight should also help k energy saving: means less fuel consumption for artificial lighting.
The system in which the clock is moved was the first to be introduced in Europe Germans in the First World War, but was abolished after the Second World War. Then he came back again in time energy crisis in the sixties and seventies of the last century.
Does the clock shift make sense?
The movement of the clock, especially when the clock is moved to winter time, meets with opposition. If the defenders state as their argument energy saving, but opponents claim that moving the clock has a negative effect on biological clock and rhythm people. This causes changes in mood and even worsens mental health many. Also, it has long been no longer the case that everyone starts their day early in the morning– many people start their workbook a little later. The majority activities in postmodern society it is also no longer tied to daylight.
Another argument of the opponents is that the movement of the clock to winter time reduce the number of hours, which we can spend on trips and walks- activities that most people usually engage in because of work in the afternoon.
Will the clock shift be discontinued?
Years 2021 you may have heard of Brussels' proposal to move the clock in the countries of the European Union canceled. An online survey showed that 84% people by changing the clock does not agree, so the logical next step was for the countries to decide whether to introduce permanent summer time or permanent winter time. At that time, the Slovenian government was the most supportive of the choice standard winter time, and the public opinion of the people was more inclined to the summer one. There were also opinions from other member states different: The Portuguese, Cypriots, Poles and Croats wanted standard summer time, while the Finns, Danes and Dutch spoke for permanent winter time.
Unfortunately, the negotiations are at this point stopped and currently not observed no signs, to cancel the clock shift. So everything indicates that we will be an hour moved for a few more years and in the winter days we could hardly wait for March.