
Tequila Cloud: Cloudy with a chance of tequila rain

Tequila cloud

The Tequila Cloud is exactly what you imagine. A cloud that rains drops of tequila. It is a marketing move by the Mexican Tourism Office, which invites tourists from Germany to its places. Well, he convinced us too!

Mexican Tourism Institute and advertising agency Lapis lazuli created a cloud of tequila, from which drops of tequila are raining. German tourists are invited to Mexico with it. The cloud was exhibited in the Berlin art gallery Urban Spree.

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Tequila fog were created with the help of ultrasonic humidifiers, who turned alcohol into visible fog. It was a cloud related to local weather and when it was raining outside, tequila was also raining from the cloud. Those who didn't have the patience to wait for the tequila to drip into the glass could simply sip it from the container under the cloud where it collected tequila rain.

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