
Club Cirkus: the renovated club was too small for everyone

Several hundred revelers stayed at the doors of the renovated Circus, which was ushered into the new season by Mike Vale, Alex Ranerro and Angel Anx and hot dancers. - After his performance in Tivoli, DJ Umek also had fun with many famous faces.

If until now Cirkus has focused mainly on the promotion of fresh local and regional musicians, with the new season it is also more strongly connected with visual artists. The team led by Igor Grlić renovated the overall image and the front of the club, which will now be a fully functional independent dance floor as the Playground.

The fact that the Circus will once again be the venue for top parties after the festival summer is already shown by the excellent attendance at the opening, the presence of many media and well-known celebrities.

Mike Vale
Mika Vale

The circus will host three parties during the first week of school: Pres. Index F**K IT GADUATES (SR, 3/9), Welcome To My House with Lemon (PE, 5/9) and hip hop event STREET SMARTS with Jamirk, Murat and friends on Saturday 6/9). You can find all the latest information about the Cirkus club at facebook and on the website www.circusklub.si.

See more about what happened at the opening in the gallery

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More information: cirkusklub.si

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