
Coca-Cola Plus – 'white' Coca-Cola without sugar and calories

Coca-Cola Plus

Let's clear this up once and for all. No matter how healthy Coca-Cola tries to be, it will always be an artificial drink at its core, but that doesn't stop Coca-Cola from offering healthy versions of its legendary soda. Diet Coke and Coke Zero are currently the healthiest, but that will change shortly. Namely, 'white' Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Plus, is coming, which is calorie- and sugar-free, and therefore with a lot of fiber.

It's coming Coca-Cola Plus, which promises to be labeled 'healthy food'. So far the healthiest version of Coca-Cola, Coke Zero and Diet Coke, boast that they are sugar-free, and Coca-Cola Plus will be without sugar also without calories, but it will contain 5 grams of fiber.

READ MORE: 10 ways to use Coca-Cola that you probably don't know

Healthy alternatives, Coke Zero and Diet Coke.
Healthy alternatives, Coke Zero and Diet Coke

Why fiber (indigestible dextrin)? Because maybe reduce fat absorption, which is why Coca-Cola recommends it with food. He even goes so far as to recommend one bottle a day and is in Japan, where it will be on sale from March 27, 2017 further, applied for a label Tokuho, which means 'healthy food'. There will be a charge for a bottle of Coca-Cola Plus 1.3 euros. So one Coke Plus a day keeps the doctor away?

Coca-Cola Plus
Coca-Cola Plus

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