
Cody Townsend: The craziest ski down a narrow snow ridge

"Oh my god, that was the scariest thing I've ever done!", professional skier Cody Townsend concludes the adventure on skis along a narrow vertical snow ridge. We are of the same opinion, "oh my god".

A skier Cody Townsend, who after watching this video could also be called the bat from hell, skied one of the craziest mountain ridges - and at crazy speed. Roger Moore as Secret Agent 007 doesn't even reach his knees here. Actually, it would be hard to describe the ride with words, well, we were left without.
The footage is part of Red Bull's film Days of My Youth, and Cody Townsend's ski won the title Line of the Year at the magazine Powder Magazine. We ask ourselves: how will it be possible to overcome it?

READ MORE: A humorous guide on how to become a skier

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skimovie.com and codytownsend.com

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