
Coffee is said to be associated with longer life

We cannot imagine a morning without coffee. Even in the morning, some not even the rest of the day. Coffee is one of the constants in our lives and will remain so, even though we are occasionally served with warnings that we should be moderate with drinking coffee. Well, they're probably right. However, some studies have shown that drinking coffee can even prolong our lives.

In an online newspaper Annals of Internal Medicine have published the results of two studies, with which scientists tried to find out how drinking coffee affects our health and consequently the quality of life. Altogether participated in the research 700.000 people.

First survey, which captured 520.000 people from 10 European countries, lasted for good 16 years. As much as a quarter of those included had at least a drink 3 cups coffee daily. The results showed that compared to non-coffee drinkers, men from this subgroup were expected to have car 12 % less chance of early death, and women 7 %. Death was not the only criterion. In this case, the possibility of facing a serious illness should also be significantly reduced.

Coffee is said to prolong life.
Coffee is said to prolong life.

Another survey with 185.855 for the participants, it was held in the USA and lasted just as long 16 years. The results were similar. Those who drank at least 2 cups of coffee a day should have 18 % more chance to avoid an early death, but with one cup 12 %.

Research does not determine the causes and effects of drinking coffee, because they were observational nature.

They concluded that this does not mean that you drink unlimited amounts, as 5 cups a day and you should be fine.

Extended without please!

Don't overdo it!
Don't overdo it!

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