
Coffee or tea: what your favorite hot drink reveals about you

Some prefer coffee to tea, others vice versa. Can our choice of hot drink say something about us?

There is still no easy answer to this question, but over the years experts from various fields have come up with interesting insights about people who prefer coffee, as well as about those who cannot live without tea. We'll reveal some of these insights below.

Extroverts prefer tea

Research in the US has shown that extroverts prefer tea to coffee. On the other hand, introverts are more likely to opt for coffee.

People who drink more tea sleep better

Caffeine is a natural psychostimulant that helps us stay awake longer and focus better. It is also found in coffee beans and tea leaves, but there is more of it in one cup of coffee than in a cup of tea, so people who prefer the first of these two hot beverages often suffer from insomnia.


Tea lovers prefer sweet flavors

One study found that tea drinkers were more likely to add sugar to their tea than coffee drinkers.

Who likes coffee likes dogs

People have long been divided into dog lovers and cat lovers. It is no coincidence that the first drink a lot of coffee, because they have to walk their pet both in the morning and in the evening. In principle, there are no such requirements for people with cats, so on average they choose to drink tea more often.


Coffee lovers are often stressed, but not depressed

Although it can sometimes seem like people who drink coffee constantly are somehow always on edge, this doesn't necessarily reflect on their long-term mental health. In addition, research shows that these people are less likely to develop depression.

People who prefer tea are more creative than those who prefer coffee, and on the other hand, coffee lovers cope with work tasks more easily and solve them faster.

To each their own, right?

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