
Coffee Stout: Slovenian beer Pelicon with the addition of Escobar coffee

Coffee Stout

The classic English stout dark beer has its coffee notes reinforced with Honduras Marcala coffee. Coffee Stout was created, a Slovenian Pelicon beer with the addition of Escobar coffee.

Coffee Stout is an innovative idea of two crafters - a microbrewery from Ajdovščina and a boutique roastery from Vrhnika, who met in the creative center Poligon. The first big collaboration of small fish will stimulate our little brains so that it will no longer be necessary to ask whether it is better to drink beer or coffee. The Slovenian beer Pelicon with the addition of Escobar coffee proves that it is the best combination of both.

About Pelicon Brewery

Buckwheat brewery Pelicon started as an idea that first tried its luck on the American Kickstarter platform at the end of 2012. It came to life in November 2013 in Ajdovo's Pala under the leadership of Anita Lozar and Matej Pelicon. During the year of operation, the brewery received the title of brewery of the year three times, and the beers collected a total of four awards. The most prestigious title was awarded to the brewery in January of this year, when the RateBeer portal declared it the best in Slovenia, and the 3rd Pill the best Slovenian beer. At the moment, they have been on the market for just under a year and a half and offer six brews - The 3rd Pill, Pally, Summer Ale, Out of China, Stout and Winter. Due to their creative approach to beer brewing, they also add many novelties to the collection in collaboration with other boutique producers. One such collaboration is Coffee Stout.

About Escobar premium coffee roaster

The founder Escobar roasters of premium coffees they are Omar and Katja. Omar comes from Honduras, where instead of apples and pears, coffee trees grow in the garden, and Katja comes from Vrhnika, where the roastery is located. The main reason for opening his own roastery was Omar's sharp palates, which did not make friends with commercial coffees from Slovenian store shelves. When he immigrated to Slovenia, he started looking for green coffee and looked for a supplier who convinced him. Omar and Katja work directly with farmers, which means that the coffee comes to them directly from smaller farms. They have already visited many of them. In their roastery, coffee is roasted daily in small quantities and under the watchful eye of an expert, as they believe that this method of roasting is the best, as it is the only way to extract the right aromas and taste from the coffee beans. In addition to the permanent house blends Escobar, Cup of coffee and Cappuccino, Escobar's offer also includes selected, high-quality coffees from different parts of the world, which are available depending on the ripening season. Since they import coffee from small family farms, they also represent the coffee plantations where the coffees are ripened and the people who grow the coffee. Escobar coffee never ends up in warehouses, as it is roasted every day, day after day.

About the collaboration between Escobar and Pelicon

Coffee Stout
Coffee Stout

Pelicon Brewery there are coffee notes in the taste and aftertaste of the beer that bears the name Coffee Stout, enriched with an additive Escobar coffee with origins coming from Honduras, specifically from the Marcala region. The cooperation would not have happened if the Peliconi and the Escobars had not met in Poligon creative center, where we can also buy their craft products.

Before you try Coffee Stout, we should note that the Minister of Health warns: "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health!".

Info Box

On February 25, Coffee Stout can be tried for the first time at the Poligon creative center at an event Pelicon x Escobar.

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