When it comes to choosing furniture for a personal office, we are often quite fussy, and rightly so. Everything should be as simple as possible - within reach, tidy and clean, pleasant and, of course, comfortable. But in order not to cause headaches when planning, a useful desk saves us time and nerves, a truly unique solution for everyone who likes to work at home.
Slate Mobile, which has enriched and simplified our world with its ideas, presents the new piece of furniture as an excellent solution for all of us who have our own office right at home. Instead of trying to measure where and how to place things to make our home work environment as comfortable as possible, the design team that has already created the convenient Airdesk computer table has now introduced the SlatePro table.
While the Airdesk table was intended primarily for those whose brains work faster on the couch, the SlatePro is suitable for people who want a complete office set in their apartment as well. The designers described it as a personal TechDesk, specifically designed for professionals who work from home, but would also perform well in a normal work environment.
The table is made of high-quality bamboo and is supported by two pairs of high-quality steel legs. The surface is protected by an acrylic coating, and the holes carved into the table are intended for cooling the laptop and the countless cables and wires that only become more complicated with each new technological gadget. Even the notches are not just like that - you can place mobile devices or a cup of fragrant morning coffee in them.
SlatePro can be pre-ordered with a donation of 287 euros on Kickstarter, where the creators have already collected enough funds for production. Later it will be available in retail for around 500 euros.
With such a thoughtfully designed table, the special model of which is made especially for left-handed people, words are superfluous - let's take a look at it in pictures.