
Cold and calculating: this is the most cunning astrological sign

Cunning, cold and calculating - members of this astrological sign are the most cunning manipulators.

Their charm is hard to resist and that's exactly what they want and use.

Members of this sign are very methodical, calm and capable of all jobs, where any organization is needed. They do not tolerate rudeness and avoid sudden changes or reckless behavior. They know exactly how to approach someone to get what they need. People can they wrap around the little finger and take advantage of them, without the "victim" even being aware of it. And once you give them everything they need, they are able to turn their backs on you and look for the next "victim".

Their charm is hard to resist and that's exactly what they want and use.

They are quite adept at business, as they have above average intelligence. They use their ability to express and influence people to a large extent for their own ends. That's when they often become cunning and calculating.

They pretend to be friendly in front of everyone, they never get into conflicts. But they are complicated in themselves, so it is easiest to defeat them with their own weapons.

Which astrological sign is this? Astrologers believe that they are virgins.

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