
Cold beer in Cvetličarna

Croatian punk rock legends are coming to Ljubljana to celebrate their 25 years of activity with us. The group, which with its energy and strong stage presence convinces both the younger generation and the generation that has followed them from the very beginning, always takes care of its loyal listeners.

Important information
Flower shop
Facebook event
Entrance fee

They started their musical journey in the late eighties. After some changes in the composition of the group, they will entertain us in Ljubljana Zoran Subašić-Zoki, Krešimir Šokec-Šoki, Mladen Subašić-Suba, Mile Kekin and Milko-Grandpa. They are winners of many Porinov, prestigious music awards in Croatia. Their live concerts are a special experience and full of energy, and the enviable jubilee concert will certainly not be an exception. Hits as they are Superman, Princess, Cockroach, Waiter and Flabby Ćuna we will surely hear, as well as many others. We have to see for ourselves what kind of surprises the boys are preparing for us live. With a glass of cold beer in hand, of course! Ticket price: 15 euros in advance, 18 euros on the day of the concert.

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