
Colin Burns set a new record for assembling a Rubik's cube - 5.25 seconds

5.25 seconds. Just think what can be done in that time. Actually, not much - we can take off a sock or write a short message. During this time, young Colin Burns assembled a Rubik's cube and set a new world record.

Colin Burns took part in the final round of the annual composing competition Rubik's Cubes 3x3x3 in high school in Pennsylvania. Burns literally swept away the competition and beat the previous record holder from 2013 by three tenths of a second. The new record for assembling the Rubik's Cube is 5.25 seconds.
A young man who successfully and extremely quickly solved one of the most frustrating puzzles in the world raises in us the question of what superior and good things we have achieved so far in our lives in just 5.25 seconds. Maybe it's time for a fresh start.

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