
Star Collision 2022 - a spectacle in the night sky is expected

Star Clash 2022

Calvin College scientists have predicted a collision of stars for 2022, which will stage a real light show in space. This will be the result of the collision of two stars orbiting or they circled so close that they collided. The consequences of the collision should be visible from Earth in 2022 at the latest, when the light should reach us. They will be visible without a telescope.

Years 2022 promises to be spectacular collision of stars. At least this is the prediction of the scientists of the American college Calvin College. At that time, the light created as a result of the collision of two stars should have reached us at the latest. She will be visible without a telescope.

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Binary position KIC 9832227.
Binary position KIC 9832227

Stars with a label KIC 9832227 are far from Earth 1800 light years and they are visible in the sky as a single star just like everyone else binary star systems, in which one star is considered to orbit another at a very short distance. The stars have actually collided before before approx. 1795 years. They were so close that they shared the atmosphere. A new star was born from the collision, which they called a nova, which will be much brighter than the binary system KIC 9832227. It will be visible in the Cygnus constellation.

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