
Collistar and Illy: a makeup collection dedicated to coffee

This time, Collistar and Illy joined forces to prepare a wonderful makeup collection for fall and winter 2017, which is naturally dedicated to coffee and its shades.

The last outpost Collistar's travel Ti Amo Italia brings a passionate collection that appeals to lovers beauty, good taste, art and high quality. The collection for autumn and winter 2017 combines the sensory qualities of cosmetic ingredients with the deep, emotional aroma of coffee and her strong ones, deep color shades and sensuality of texture. A new limited edition makeup range is on track to become iconic, just like those of the past.

Collistar and Illy joined forces this time.
Collistar and Illy joined forces this time.

Coffee is a kaleidoscope warm brown, red and amber shades, strong in their essence, but bright and extremely useful. Foundations, varnishes, blushes... each product is stored in a beautiful white packaging with red decorative accents. Red is the color logo Illy, and white is the color of their characteristic cups. In the center of attention is the symbol of the heart, work by artist Max Petrone, which symbolizes a passion for everything beautiful.

Gallery - Collistar and Illy: a makeup collection dedicated to coffee

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