
#combophoto: surreal scenes from two combined photos

#combophoto is a project started by Stephen McMennamy. Basically, it is a very simple idea, but with some creativity and no manipulation, it delivers exceptional results. And right here is the genius of McMennamy, who finds scenes with clean backgrounds, so that he can then combine two seemingly unrelated photographs into one meaningful whole. It started with the iPhone, but now the American has already "switched" to a professional camera.

Today, photographers and artists are pushing the boundaries of what's possible in editing and post-production. There are many filters and other effects at work that create extraordinary optical illusions, which leave us speechless. It does none of these things artist, photographer and creative director Stephen McMenamy, but his photos still leave us speechless.

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A skillful merging of two completely different photos.
A skillful merging of two completely different photos.

Photographer at heart project #combophoto full of everyday but unusual photos, which are the result of combining two photos that are not related in content. It merges them into a meaningful whole without the help of Photoshop effects, just skilfully place them side by side or one above the other for the desired effect. All the "manipulation" happens beforehand in his head, where he can see unusual combinations, which others do not.

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