
Comedy under the stars

In June, the most successful performances under the roof of the City Theater of previous seasons can be seen in an even more relaxed atmosphere - under the stars in the castle courtyard. Every Monday, June 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th, a selected performance will take place in Križanke for all those who have not yet managed to see it...

Important information
Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 13.50 to 15 euros

In June, the most successful performances under the roof of the City Theater of previous seasons can be seen in an even more relaxed atmosphere - under the stars in the castle courtyard. Every Monday, June 6, 13, 20 and 27, a selected performance will take place in Križanke for all those who have not yet managed to see it, or for those who would like to see it again. The first on the program is the one-man comedy Caveman, an original Slovenian comedy that stands alongside all such global hits. It is the story of a modern woman trapped in a world directed by men. From this position, he justifies the differences between the sexes, rooted in ancient history, in an interesting way. Next week, the motivator of honest lying, Dr. Borut Veselko, is waiting for us. Through a parody of motivational seminars, this one will help us identify among the various lying techniques those that can harm us, and above all, it will make us laugh. The successful film directed by top German comedian Karsten Kaie also impressed the audience of the international monodrama festival in Belgrade. On the third Monday, Lada Bizovičar will take over the stage in a performance that has been repeated almost 150 times in a year. Together with the director Nataša Barbara Gračner, they reworked the monocomedy by the Icelandic author Bjarni Haukur Thorsson, infused it with the freshness of their own experiences and amusing anecdotes from friends and acquaintances, and brightened it up with a family film in which Katarina Čas excels in the role of Lad's wife, thus creating a witty confession for all fotras and moms, future and current. At the end of the month, we will watch the most successful Slovenian musical monocomedy of all time, which is confirmed by the recently won award for the best male role at the cabaret festival in Zagreb. At the piano, Jure Ivanušič takes us through the entire history of music - from its first beginnings in prehistoric times through classics, jazz, chanson, rock'n'roll all the way to modern popular music, combining excellent playing and superb piano playing. 

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