
Here comes Art14 London – refreshing and different

Art14 London is a global art fair that took place for the first time last year and attracted 25,000 visitors. A repeat is expected in February.

Important information
Olympia Grand Hall, London
Facebook event
Entrance fee
From 8 to 25 pounds.

Last year's Art14 London was a huge success with critics, galleries, collectors and art lovers alike. Therefore, a lot is expected from the upcoming fair, and even more of a "refreshingly different" view. Art14 London creates a platform for examples of the world's best modern and contemporary art. The event is sponsored by Citi Private Bank. Art14 London explores and proves that art is the engine of economic and social change in society. This year's program focuses on three segments. Public Talk will bring to the fore the ways in which art regenerates cities, presented by speakers who have experience in how art affects the city, not only from a cultural, but also a social and economic point of view.

Art14 London
Art14 London

The Private Colloquium will bring together key actors from various fields to discuss the impact of art on the city. Open Art, on the other hand, represents a rare opportunity to see art outside of galleries, even art that is not normally available to the individual. This year's event especially encourages galleries to share their gems with all art lovers.

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