
Mercury retrograde 2023 is coming: the most difficult and chaotic period of the year

Mercury Retrograde 2023

retrogradni Merkur 2023
Photo: Midjourney

Get ready, dear readers, because the period - Mercury retrograde 2023: is approaching, when the stars and planets will play their favorite game "Who's to blame?"! Yes, you heard that right, Mercury retrograde is back and ready to take all the blame for your Wi-Fi issues, lost keys and that unexpected run-in with your ex at the supermarket.

Mercury Retrograde 2023! When the universe seems to be participating in some big space comedy and you're the star, retrograde is probably to blame Mercury. This interplanetary misfit is back, ready to put you in the spotlight and give you some stories you'll be telling for years. But before you start throwing stones at the sky with guilt, sit back, relax and get ready to ride. Here's everything you need to know about how to laugh when the universe seems to be making fun of you!

On Wednesday, August 23rd, Mercury will begin its famous "moonwalk" across the sky. Although astronomers claim that the whole thing is just an optical illusion, astrologers stand by their point of view: “Mercury Retrograde is real and it has power!

Mercury, god of communication, short journeys and that moment when not find a parking space, will cause some fun moments during the retrograde period. So if the postman delivers a letter to your neighbor or you miss the bus by a second, you know who to blame!

Photo: Midjourney

But, hey, don't give up! Mercury retrograde 2023 is not necessarily the evil demon of chaos that some describe it to be. In reality, this is a time when the universe gives us a chance to stop, think, and maybe even laugh at our mistakes. After all, who doesn't want an excuse for missing a meeting or sending the wrong message?

For anyone concerned: this reverse dance will last until September 15th. And if you think you've gotten rid of it, it'll be back on December 13th and will stay until January 1st, 2024. Oh, joy! Mercury Retrograde 2023 he will keep us happy!

So what does Mercury retrograde mean? Well, imagine that Mercury is that friend who always forgets about your birthday parties, but when he shows up, he brings the best gift. Old friends, estranged relatives or even ex-partners may appear during the retrograde period. Maybe it's an opportunity to wrap up some old business or simply reminisce about old times.

So, the next time you're in Mercury retrograde lost your keys or trip over your own feet, smile and remember it's all part of the space plan (and a little humor).

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