
Is iKravata coming?

Imagine your iPhone hanging around your neck. Croatian designer Tomislav Zvonarić came up with an interesting concept of the iTie tie, which would completely change the way you look at wearing the device.

Device iTie or iThe tie it's the only tie you'll want to wear every day. Forget choosing a color and pattern, the iKravata has a flexible and bendable screen that changes to any pattern and color you want. With the Apple tie, you can check email, text messages and chat with friends via Skype. A small camera at the end of the tie also allows for video chat and taking pictures. Watch the video for a better idea.

This is not the first offbeat idea of the Croatian designer Tomislav Zvonarić. He made from the Facebook logo ice cream and the bed, as well as a cup in the shape of a bitten apple iCup, which is decorated with the face of Steve Jobs on skimmed milk. You can see more of his concepts on the site behance.net.

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