
YouTube Music: The YouTube music app is coming

YouTube Music is a new app dedicated to music. It is first available in the US and is supported on both iOS and Android. So is there a real alternative to the Spotify music portal on the horizon, which, in contrast, will also be available in Slovenia?

In the app YouTube Music everything is tailored to us. We start on the home screen, which has three elements: "My Station" plus two genre stations – let's say pop and rock, which are created based on our musical samples. On "My Station" we find the music we love, and at the same time YouTube creates based on our searches algorithm and finds music he thinks we'll like.

When we play music, we can freely search for similar recordings - live concerts, recordings with lyrics, remixes or covers by other artists. YouTube hasn't forgotten even all of us who like to keep up with music trends. There is a tab for that "Trends", where we will find categories such as "The Daily 40" or "On the Rise".

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All those who are subscribers YouTube Red, enjoy additional bonuses. With the smart button in the upper right corner, the user can tell the app that ga not interested in the video. The image thus freezes and all that remains is the sound. The benefits of a YouTube Red subscription include streaming music in the background, space without ads, ads are also not played before or during videos, and music can also be listened to, among other things, when we are not connected online.

YouTube Red offers, among other things, the so-called "offline mixtape", where we can determine how much mobile data we are willing to use to play songs, and we can also choose the sound quality.

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