
Commitment Rings: A ring that allows you to watch TV series only as a couple

Commitment Rings

The research showed that as many as 28 million people cheat on their partner by watching the TV series, and many of them also "criticize" that they have not seen the work yet. To help couples stay loyal to each other when it comes to watching episodes together, British ice cream brand Cornetto has created high-tech Commitment Rings that block access to TV series unless partners watch them together. It promotes them with the slogan "Love should last longer than one season".

You are fed up with your partner regarding your common TV series without you? Pledge your fidelity with high-tech rings Engagement Rings, which allow watching TV series only in pairs. So no more cheating with Netflix!

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High-tech Commitment Rings.
High-tech Commitment Rings.

Commitment Rings are the brainchild of an ice cream brand Cornetto, and partners register with rings through the application with which they previously selected the series (e.g. Game of Thrones, Homeland, How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, Big Popcorn...) that you can only watch together. It has a built-in ring NFC technology (Near Field Communication), this is a non-contact communication technology. When the app detects both rings in proximity, it unlocks episodes available on the websites of multimedia content providers such as Netflix and Hulu, otherwise you don't have access to them. In practice, this means that you can watch the episodes only in two. No more infidelity, then.

Pledge your TV loyalty.
Pledge your TV loyalty.

Harris Interactive and Netflix found in a recent survey that as much as 21 percent partner's watching new episodes of the TV series without his better half. 21 percent of them are unfaithful when their partner is sleeping, and 12 percent of them are unfaithful afterwards "hlini" that they haven't seen the new work yet.

With the Commitment Ring, you'll never catch your partner watching a TV series without you again.
With the Commitment Ring, you'll never catch your partner watching a TV series without you again.

It is not yet known when the rings will go on sale, nor is the app that will be available in online stores ready Google Play and Apple Store. In the two-minute clip, you can see how Commitment Rings work in practice.

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