
Companion Collection - a wristwatch made from your pet's fur

Companion Collection Furry Wristwatches

People have a special bond with their pets. If you would like this bond to be even deeper, you can consider a wristwatch that is dressed in your animal's fur. Grab a pair of scissors, cut off a few grams of fur, send it to Analog Watch Co, wait a month, and you'll receive a custom-made watch covered in your pet's fur at home.

Well, this one is furry! Companion Collection is an unusual collection wristwatches brands Analog Watch Co, which is produced from pet hair. No, it's not a joke, well, or else considering they're taking pre-orders from April 1, 2017 further. Anyway. They tailor the watch to you custom made, which means it's wearing your animal's hair.

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They dress the entire body with it as well leather strap. All this for 185 euros.

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