
Crazy Skydiving Compilation

Adrenaline sports are becoming more and more popular. New industries are emerging every day and one of the most interesting is base jumping.

Base jumping it is sport, in which the skydiver jumps from the object, so be it skyscraper, bridge, balloon or cliff. That's why the abbreviation BASE stands behind the words building (Building), uninhabited tower (Antenna), bridge (Span) and natural phenomenon (Earth). When jumping, special backpacks and a parachute folded in a specific way are used. Given that it is jumped from a low height, there is no reserve parachute and that's why base jumping so special and dangerous at the same time.

Is it the view that convinces many people to start BASE jumping?
Is it the view that convinces many people to start BASE jumping?

In the following clip, we present five lovers of this sport and adrenaline, who are more than capable of their business. There is no shortage of attractive moves in the air either. Do you dare?

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