
Concert: Cat Power in Šiška Cinema

American musician Chan Marshall, better known in the music world as Cat Power, will perform in Slovenia for the first time on September 10, 2016. In 1994, Steve Shelley (Sonic Youth) and Tim Foljahn (Two Dollar Guitar) discovered the then-unknown Marshall, which was performing as a support group for Liz Phair. Over the next two years, Marshall released albums Dear Sir and Myra Lee with Steve and Tim.

Important information
Cinema Šiška
Facebook event
Entrance fee
25 €

Cat Power with her velvety voice, good performance and an obvious feeling for mixing genres (in her compositions you can feel the influence of punk, blues, folk and electronica) she soon won the hearts of people all over the world. In 1996, she released an album What Would the Community Think, and two years later Moon Pix. The latter was, according to The Rolling Stone magazine, a breakthrough.

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Cat Power
Cat Power

In 2003 it is for the album You Are Free joined forces with the big names of the world of music - Dave Grohl, Warren Ellis and Eddie Vedder. The album The Greatest (2006) was ranked 6th on The Rolling Stone's list of the best albums of 2006. Cat Power will September 10, 2016 in the Šiška Cinema presented her latest studio album The Sun, which made its way between top ten albums on the Billboard charts. Advance tickets are available for €25 and on the day of the concert for €28.

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