
CORVUS concert (MC Patriot)

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Žička cesta 4a, Slovenske Konjice
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On Saturday, October 15, 2011, at 10 p.m., you are invited to MC Patriot (Slov. Konjice) for PLAY PATRIOT. Bands will perform on stage CORVUS and TROPICAL PENGUINS.

Rock band Corvus comes from Nova Gorica and has been faithfully winning the hearts of his fans for years.

Last year, the boys gained new strength and now they are in full swing to rock the stage with their rock rhythms. At the same time, they are slowly but steadily preparing their first album, which we are all eagerly awaiting.

Corvus are: Alan Premrl-vocals, Tadej Pišot-rhythm guitar, Tine Koršič-solo guitar, Gregor Kladnik-bass guitar and Tadej Blažič-drums.

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