
Going to concerts can make you live longer, new research says

Opinions about music concerts have always been divided: for some, it is a place of jostling, squeezing and boisterousness, while for others it is heaven on earth. Those of you who like to visit will be surprised by the results of this study. Those who don't like concerts, maybe you will love them.

Attending music concerts and festivals you can prolongs life, says a new study, in which the researchers determined what impact do music concerts have on lifespan.

Participants were included in the research, who otherwise deal with yoga, by walking the dogs and by attending concerts – with psychometric test and by measuring heart rate have thus concluded that attending concerts contributes to better quality of life. This results in an extension of our lifespan by nine years.

Attending music concerts and festivals can extend your life.
Attending music concerts and festivals can extend your life.

The results of the study showed that attending concerts has a great impact on health, luck and quality of life.
Already 20 minutes of presence at the concert can for 21 % improves well-being. Otherwise, as the researchers analyzed during the study, confidence of concert participants increased by 25 %, and mental stimulation for 75 %.

Concert participants' self-confidence increased by 25 %.
Concert participants' self-confidence increased by 25 %.

The researchers add that by combining the results of their research, we can get a recipe for extending your lifespan by almost one decade.

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