
Concert: Grammatik in Križanke

A grammarian. The Slovenian DJ, who was welcomed by the world with open arms, is returning to Slovenia.

Important information
Križanke, Trg francoske revolucije 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
20 euros in advance

The first selected location of the electronic event of the year, Kino Šiška, was sold out in record time. Therefore, in Šiška, they decided to move the event to Križanke due to the great interest. A grammarian currently resides in New York. His performances are characterized by establishing a special, almost intimate relationship with the audience. His parties are considered a very special dance experience. It does not go to the first ball or to the first "listen".

At the beginning of this year, he released album The Age of Reason, which he will also present to us in Križanke. In his musical creation, we can detect a rebellion against genre definitions and a determination to break the status quo of electronic dance music. That's what makes it different. This is what connects him to his audience. He created his own and recognizable sound and added new dimensions to it. He is an ardent defender of freedom of the flow of music between people. He believes in liberating music by offering it to the audience for free online. He offered his voice to the world through Torrents and the world accepted him. With open ears. In the hope that we have reached an enlightened age and that we will be able to indulge in his skilfully chosen rhythms, we await his performance in Križanke with great expectations.

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