
Concert: Grammatik with the Epigram tour also in Vienna

Denis Jašarević, better known by his stage name Gramatik, is a Slovenian producer of electronic music with a successful career in the USA, which is why Slovenians go to his concerts abroad. This time we have the perfect opportunity to catch him on his Epigram EP tour in Europe. On November 6, he will also stop in Vienna, Austria.

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Vienna, Austria
Facebook event
Entrance fee
22,60 €

A grammarian, who built his musical career abroad, is well known an advocate of digital freedom and the free exchange of music. Because he believed in his vision and followed it, today he is the most successful Slovenian electronic musician in the USA. His unique sound of music, interesting performances, regular release of new music and search for non-traditional paths in electronic music contributed to this.

Years 2008 released his first album Street Bangerz Vol. 1, followed by eight more. the latest, Coffee Shop Selection (2015), is a compilation of his older beats and instrumental versions of some of his hits. He also released 4 EPs and 2 singles. Years 2012 is on Beatport Music Awards collected as many as three awards for the best composition.

He released his first single in April this year Native Son on a new EP where he combined hip hop rhythms with electronic music in the way only he knows how, and created high expectations. He fulfilled it this time as well, because they are electronic rhythms, which mixes with different musical influences, full of energy and funk, a completely new experience of the electronic music scene.

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