
Concert: In Flames in October in Vienna

Swedish melodic death metal band In Flames is starting this year's tour right after the release of their new album. On October 27, Swedish metal rhythms led by singer Anders Fridén will lift Vienna's Gasometer hall into the air.

Important information
Bank Austria Halle Gasometer, Vienna, Austria
Facebook event
Entrance fee
EUR 79.99

In Flames is a group that has undoubtedly become well-deservedly famous all over the world with their music. Founded in 1990, it has so far released ten studio albums, the most recent, that's all the eleventh album with Title Siren Charms, will be under the label Epic Records came out September 5.

The first single Rusted nail, from the new album Siren Charms, was released in mid-June and marks the beginning of a new era for both the Swedish band and their fans.

A group to which many attribute the foundations for the beginning of the so-called genre Gothenburg metal, has already performed twice in Slovenia as part of the MetalDays festival (formerly Metalcamp). Even on this tour, we will definitely not be deprived of timeless hits like these Cloud Connected, Take This Life, Trigger, Deliver Us, Only For The Weak, Come Clarity and Touch of Red.

We are sure that they will provide an unforgettable atmosphere in Vienna this time as well.

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