
Concert: Iron Maiden are coming to Trieste

Iron Maiden in Trieste

Iron Maiden are coming to Trieste! This English heavy metal band has been working continuously for more than 40 years and boasts 38 albums, 16 of which are studio albums. Although Iron Maiden have very little television and radio support, they are considered one of the greatest heavy metal bands ever. They have already sold more than 90 million albums and played more than 2,000 live concerts. Join them for an unforgettable experience on June 26 in Trieste.

Important information
Facebook event
Entrance fee
75 €

Group Iron Maiden was born on Christmas Day 1975. It was named by its founder, a bass player Steve Harris, which was inspired by the novel by Alexandre Dumas The Man in the Iron Mask. But the group waited 6 years for real success; until he passed by Bruce Dickinson. With him, the group went on a rather successful European tour, and a year later they released a legendary album The Number of the Beast, which soon reigned on several UK and global charts.

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Iron Maiden in action.
Iron Maiden in action.

Iron Maiden together with their loyal mascot Eddie influencing later generations of metal bands such as Metallica, Slayer and Avenged Sevenfold. As part of the tour The Book of Souls World the band will play on as many as 36 stages around the world. In March and April, they performed for the first time in China and Salvador. For the latter, the performance of this group was the biggest event in the country's history. July 26 we will be able to see them too, because they are coming in with their Eddie Trieste. Tickets are now available!

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